List of documents for participation in the program

  1. Information about organization in the due form;
  2. Copy of the registration certificate;
  3. Copies of licenses;
  4. Copy of the Certificate of the date of making an entry into the Uniform State Register of Legal Entities;
  5. Reviews (reviews of customers - not less than 2, awards, diplomas, articles in mass media);
  6. Balance (form #1) for 1st January 2024 and Income Statement for 2023 year (form #2);
  7. Balance (form #1) and Income Statement (form #2) for the previous accounting business period;
  8. Information about the activity of the organization for the publication in mass media (desirably not more than 2000 characters with gaps);
  9. Form on ecological express-audit (optional);
  10. Graphical Information (logo trademarks, photos of managers, objects, etc.):

List of documents for participation of NP SRO in the program

  1. Справка участника для НП СРО установленной формы;
  2. Копия свидетельства о внесении записи в Единый государственный реестр юридических лиц (ЕГР);
  3. Сведения о деятельности организации для публикации в СМИ (желательно не более 2000 знаков с пробелами);
  4. Отзывы (отзывы членов СРО, награды, дипломы, статьи в СМИ);
  5. Графическая информация (логотипы, фотографии руководителей, объектов и т.д):


Logo trademarks and information about activity are desirable to be presented in electronic version also (CD or via email).